Friday, February 22, 2008

Here are my recent creations!!

I have been up to new things!! I have had a few requests and baby showers to create for. I have been making minky and chenille burp clothes, tag and textured balls and blocks, ribbon binky holders(my friend Heather is crafty and helped me get the metal pieces needed!), pillows, and too many more ideas in my head!! LOL, I love my new found love of sewing.
This ruffle pilow has a pieced brown/purple side and brown/green side

This was a custom taggie made, the other side is a pink toile. It also had crinkle material in two corners. This one ended up really cute!

Minky burp cloths, the one with chenille is in my title background,

This is one of the recent blocks I made for a friend. Brayden is the hand in the picture! He loves these!

Tag Tactile Ball

More tactile tag blocks and a ball with rattle in it too!

A few weeks ago I babysat my friends kids and I promise them we could make pillows. They got to choose the fabrics and here is what they created:

Halie with her very ambitious pillow for her first sewing lesson! She has 8 different fabrics that she cut out and pieced together by herself(mostly ;p).
Chase with his Batman Pillow, it has black minky on the other side.

Okay, so I made emilee's but she picked out the princes fabric and the rosebud minky on the back! Also, I don't know why I don't have a picture of Taylor with her pillow but it can be seen in the corner of this pix. She did a leopard print washable satin with lt. brown minky back.

Fabrics available:

Thursday, January 31, 2008

New Product updates!!

I have expanded my collection of available items!! Now I make taggie balls and blocks(can add jingle or crinkle sound), baby blankets, crinklers(smaller version of taggie blankets with crinkle material in them), and pillows!
Here are a few pictures of what I have made. I have an amazing selection of minky's, cotton prints, and washable satins. Just ask!!

Crinklers: 4"x4" with crinkle material in them. From Left: Pink Minky Dot/Pink Satin, Purple Minky Dot/Purple Satin, Green Minky Dot/Purple Satin, Pink Satin/Green Minky Dot, Black Toile/Black minky dot, Butterfly brocade/Rose bud minky.

Textured Ball with taggies: Fabrics used are chenille, minky dot, minky star embossed, flannel, washable satin, and terry cloth. Also, have used corduroyin others.

Baby blanket with different fabrics pieced together for tactile stimulation. This one includes different minkys, satin, and chenille.

Minky Dot baby blankets

Minky pillows

Custom Order: This is an order I made that includes two 12"x12" taggies wrapped as they are when shipped. With two taggie balls.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bralies Blankies Background

We love our babies and toddlers, and love to help them discover the world around them. My Bralies Blankies helps to do just that by stimulating the senses through the use of colors, textures, and design.
Our namesake the “Bralie Blankie” uses two or more different types of fabric and ribbon tags around the edges to stimulate your childs sense of touch. For babies the tags on this blankie help to stimulate fine motor skills such as grasp and release. For toddlers it provides a sense of security and comfort as they cuddle with it and play with the different tags.
These are great to take anywhere, and children do love to take them everywhere!
I always triple sew the ribbons, including a top stitch, to make it very durable. And I only use washable, quality fabrics!